About Us
Our factory is led by the closest relative of legendary cigar maker Jose Dominguez.
He is a true visionary who brings energy, excellence, and passion to everything he touches.
Point Break Cigars first release is the Blue, Red, Silver, and Gold Label. They were revealed at our retail locations in Key West, Florida.

Point break cigars are offered in 10 sizes, three of which are sizes that have never been done before anywhere in the world. They are now known as the Cubano Número UNO, 54x5, 54x6, 54x7 Point Break Cigar's invention.
Every tobacco leaf at Point Break Cigars goes through eight fermentation cycles and are a collection of what is truly iconic from around the world.
The point break cigar collection is produced exclusively by Tabacalera Victor Sinclair and they are responsible for the Point Break Cigars experience.
Our retail stores are located in the historic district of Old Town Key West, FL.
Two of our locations are on the world famous Duval St.
One is Located on Greene St. Across from the Historical Custom Museum and Mel Fisher Treasure Museum.